This October is Protect Your Hearing Month! Dedicated to raising awareness about hearing loss, this month is a great time to learn and practice ways you can protect your hearing health. More and more people are at greater risk of developing hearing loss due to the increased use of personal audio devices. Portable electronic devices and earbud use can expose …
Know Alzheimer’s Disease: Treat Hearing Loss in September during World Alzheimer’s Month
Have you noticed that you or someone close to you is having trouble remembering more than usual? It is normal to forget things every now and then, especially as we age, but if forgetfulness has become a normal daily occurrence, it is time to take it seriously. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative brain disease, characterized by memory loss which escalates …
Tips for Managing Tinnitus
Do you find that you crave peace and quiet, just to be met with a buzz or hum in your ears instead? If this is happening to you, you are most likely dealing with symptoms of tinnitus. Tinnitus is a perceived static sound in the ears that seems to have no external source. As you can imagine, when you feel …
Acknowledging the Reality of Hearing Loss
It is estimated that one in eight people in the United States (13 percent, or 30 million) aged 12 years or older has hearing loss in both ears. While age related hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss, this condition can develop at any age and is more serious than you may first think. While one in …
Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline
Hearing loss affects an estimated 48 million people in the US alone and has far reaching side effects past obvious issues with hearing. Ultimately, hearing loss is a communication issue making it more difficult to connect to the people in your life. It can affect your personal life as well as your career, reverberating into your sense of self-worth, self-esteem …
Communicating with People who Have Hearing Loss
An estimated 50 million Americans have hearing loss. This means you probably have a friend or family member who doesn’t have perfect hearing. Communicating with people who have hearing loss can be challenging for everyone. You may have to repeat yourself before they understand what you’ve said, or you may feel frustrated when they keep mishearing you. The good news …
Tips for Communicating with Hearing Loss
Hearing loss makes it tough to communicate with loved ones. If you have a family member with hearing loss, they may ask you to repeat yourself or to speak up. Don’t get discouraged! You can still enjoy conversations with your loved ones. Use these tips for communicating with someone with hearing loss. Make Sure You’re in the Right Environment First …
How Untreated Hearing Loss Interferes with Your Relationships
“What’s that you said?” is a question you might find yourself asking often if you have difficulty hearing. Hearing loss makes it harder to follow conversations or hear what loved ones are saying. You’re not the only one affected by your hearing loss. The truth is that your hearing loss affects every member of your family. It can also cause …
Treating Hearing Loss Helps You Stay Socially Connected
Hearing loss is the third most common health problem among the elderly. About 30 million people with hearing loss in one or both ears are affected by this public health crisis. Hearing loss is often ignored and undertreated because it occurs progressively over time. This means that millions of people are living with hearing loss that is still untreated. Communication …
Foods & Nutrients to Support Your Hearing Health
What is the best way to protect your hearing? The first thing that comes to mind is probably wearing your earplugs when things get too noisy. This is a crucial measure to take against hearing damage. But there are other ways to take care of your hearing health, including exercise and–you guessed it–a balanced, nutrient-dense diet. In a scientific study …