Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test

Take A hearing Test

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health

If you suspect your loved one has hearing loss, it’s highly likely that it is affecting their ability to communicate to you. Maybe you once engaged in lengthy discussions and regularly went to the movies or ate out. Even stable relationships can begin to break down without regular communication, and hearing loss can exacerbate this. From the cycle of repeating …

How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health, Hearing Loss

Maintaining a healthy relationship is not as simple as spending time together or living in the same place; relationships take work! Though some of us might have the tendency to put little work into our closest relationships, they often suffer as a result. Making a concerted effort to connect with the people we love can go a long way toward …

New Year's Resolution Get Your Hearing Tested

New Year’s Resolution: Get Your Hearing Tested

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health, Hearing Loss

Happy New Year! It’s time for New Year’s Resolutions, and if you’re anything like us, you’re making resolutions to look after your health this year. You want to drink more water, exercise more, and spend more time outside. Have you thought about your hearing health? Starting the year off right with an annual hearing test will help you meet your …

What to Expect at a Hearing Test

What to Expect at a Hearing Test

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health

Have you found yourself having to ask people to repeat themselves? Do your loved ones have to ask you to turn down the television or radio when it does not seem to be too loud to you. If you are beginning to suspect that you are suffering from hearing loss, there is only one way to be sure. Hearing loss …

Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test

Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test 

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health

The loss of your hearing can make maintaining relationships more difficult, it isolates individuals and leads to much confusion and frustration. If you see friends and family struggling with the condition, it’s important not to overlook the issue, you should instead encourage them to manage it by taking a hearing test as quickly as possible. It’s not easy however to convince a person with …

Recognizing the Signs of Hearing Loss

Recognizing the Signs of Hearing Loss

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Signs & Symptoms

One of the most common medical conditions in the US (behind heart disease and arthritis), hearing loss is an invisible condition which often passes people by. The effects are gradual and uneven, with damage often taking years to show effects. And the first thing that is lost is the capacity to hear high frequency sounds, rather than an equal loss …