The Importance of Earwax

The Importance of Earwax

Dr. Marina E. Kade Ear Health, Hearing Health

Dr. Marina E. Kade
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Earwax is a natural substance produced by the glands in the ear canal. It protects the ear canal by trapping dust, dirt, and other foreign particles before they reach the delicate parts of the ear. Without this barrier, these particles could cause irritation or even infection.

Earwax also has antimicrobial properties. This means it can help prevent infections by killing bacteria and fungi that could potentially harm the ear. In other words, earwax is the ear’s first line of defense against infections.

Lubrication and Moisture

Another critical role of earwax is to keep the ear canal lubricated. The skin inside the ear is delicate and can easily become dry or irritated. Earwax helps to keep this skin moist, preventing dryness and itching.

Additionally, earwax protects the ear canal from water. Water entering the ear can sometimes cause an uncomfortable sensation or even lead to an infection. Earwax helps to repel water, keeping the ear canal healthy.

As new earwax is produced, it moves from the inner part of the ear canal to the outer part. This process helps to carry out any trapped dirt and debris. Chewing and jaw movements assist in this cleaning process by pushing the earwax outward.

It is a common misconception that earwax should be removed regularly. In reality, the ear is self-cleaning, and earwax usually takes care of itself. Interfering with this natural process can sometimes lead to more harm than good.

Problems Arising from Earwax Buildup

While earwax is essential, too much of it can lead to issues. When earwax accumulates, it can cause blockages. Symptoms of a blockage may include ear pain, hearing loss, a sensation of fullness in the ear, and even dizziness.

Earwax buildup is often caused by using cotton swabs or other objects inserted into the ear. These tools can push earwax further into the ear canal, leading to blockages. It is advisable to avoid inserting anything into the ear and to let the natural cleaning process work.

If you are experiencing symptoms of earwax buildup, it is recommended that you seek professional help. A hearing health professional can safely remove any excess earwax without damaging the ear.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment!