All About Earwax

A Closer Look At Earwax

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health

Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a substance produced in the ear canal. It is often seen as unpleasant and gross but serves several vital bodily functions. This blog post will take a closer look at earwax and its role in our ears. The Role of Earwax in Our Ears Earwax has several vital functions in our ears: It acts …

Test Your Hearing

This November, Test Your Hearing in Honor of American Diabetes Month

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health

Every November, American Diabetes Month is conducted to promote awareness and assist those living with this condition. Diabetes education events and workshops are given to educate people about the disease, answer questions, and assist individuals to learn how to avoid or manage diabetes. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2017 says that more than 100 …

All About Earwax

All About Earwax

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health

While earwax isn’t pretty, it’s essential in helping our inner-ear stay healthy and works well. What we know about earwax tells us how to clean our ears and deal with problems when there is too much earwax in the ear canal.  Many of us want to clean the ear canal with something like a cotton swab, but this simple-looking action …

Loud Movies & Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Loud Movies & Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health, Hearing Loss

Eager viewers are going to the movies again. While this is undoubtedly great news for movie theaters and consumers alike, enjoying the most recent releases may pose a hidden danger to your hearing: elevated noise levels.  Incorporating surround sound, action-packed effects, and the heightened viewer reaction that accompanies loudness, theaters and films have continually become louder – frequently to unsafe …

Head Injuries & Hearing Loss

What To Know About Head Injuries & Hearing Loss

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health, Hearing Loss

Have you ever sustained a head injury? They often happen so fast that they are hard to avoid. They can be scary, disorienting and have lasting effects on your health. Depending on the severity, not only can they cause brain damage, but they can distort your balance and even cause lasting hearing loss. Let’s explore the danger of head injuries …

Why You Should Schedule a Hearing Test for World Alzheimer's Month

Why You Should Schedule a Hearing Test for World Alzheimer’s Month

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health

September is World Alzheimer’s Month, which helps people find resources and learn more about dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. More and more research shows that our mental health is linked to how well we hear and that untreated hearing loss can speed up mental decline. Alzheimer’s disease is 1.3 times more likely to happen to someone with hearing loss if they …

For Women, Painkiller Use May Lead to Hearing Loss

For Women, Painkiller Use May Lead to Hearing Loss

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health

Most of us don’t think twice about popping a few over-the-counter painkillers and getting on with our day when we have a headache, minor aches, pains, or muscle cramps. But maybe we should pay more attention to the sake of our hearing. Researchers have found a link between long-term use of painkillers (like ibuprofen, NSAIDs, and other analgesics) and hearing …

Supporting A Loved One with Hearing Loss in a Nursing Home

Supporting A Loved One with Hearing Loss in a Nursing Home

Dr. Marina E. Kade Hearing Health

With a population that is getting older quickly, it is essential to care for our older people. Whether you are taking care of an older person on your own or living in a care facility, it is essential to ensure that their needs are met and that they are getting the proper care. Hearing loss in Americans over 65  Hearing …